Artwork and Divisional Alighment

I got in touch with a buddy who does art for a living and commissioned him to do a piece for us for the league.

I have used him several times in the past for art on other projects that I work on and knew he would come through.

I really enjoy this piece, I love that the face masks on the helmet are Face Masks instead of Face Masks, you know :)

I'm going to see if I can get this with a couple of different backgrounds - One all black.  One post-apocalyptic.  One maybe all white.

Now for divisional alignment.

I've been looking at it and moving people around and I think I came up with something that works well.  We only have one person in the league who is only connected to me whereas everyone else in the league is at least connected to two people in some way.

This is what I have come up with after much agonizing - MUCH AGONIZING.
(I kept family together for Maximum Trash Talking and went from there)

If you have an argument for changes let me have it.  Chaos will ensue

3 Divisions

Mike - Lauren - Josh - Tyson

Serge - Mauri - Dan - Sergio

Matt - Eric - Randy - Jason


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